Life with a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix: Temperament, Coat, Care

Have you ever wondered about the charm of mixed-breed dogs? This article will explore the intriguing Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix, often known as the “Great Pyrenees Bull.” 

Having spent years in the company of these incredible canines, I’m well-equipped to provide valuable insights about the Pitbull Great Pyrenees mix. 

Throughout this article, we’ll discuss the Pyrenees Pit mix’s origin, appearance, temperament, and care requirements. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to discover what makes this hybrid breed so special.

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What Is A Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix?

Dog with a combination of Great Pyrenees and Pitbull traits

A Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix is a crossbreed dog that results from mating a Great Pyrenees and a Pitbull. These dogs have a unique blend of characteristics from their parent breeds.

Great Pyrenees: These dogs are known for their large size, gentle temperament, and strong protective instincts. They were first created to protect farm animals in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Pitbulls: Pitbulls are medium-sized dogs known for their loyalty, intelligence, and physical strength. They were initially bred for various tasks, including working dogs.

When you mix these two breeds, you get a typically large dog with a sturdy build, a thick coat, and a friendly yet protective nature. They can be great family pets if properly trained and socialized from a young age.

These dogs often excel in roles like guarding, protecting, and being loyal companions. They require regular exercise, grooming, and attention to ensure they grow up to be happy and healthy pets. 

Breed CombinationGreat Pyrenees Pitbull
Coat TypeVariable (can be short or long)
TemperamentProtective, loyal
Exercise NeedsModerate
Lifespan10-15 years
Common ColorsWhite, brown, brindle
TrainingEarly socialization, consistent training
Good with ChildrenYes
Guard Dog InstinctStrong
Health ConcernsHip dysplasia, bloat, allergies
Living EnvironmentLarge yard, rural or suburban
Other NamesPyrenees Pit, Pyrapull
Overview of Pyrenees Pit

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix History:

The history of the Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix begins with intentionally breeding a Great Pyrenees and a Pitbull. This crossbreeding, which may have occurred over the past few decades, aims to combine the distinct traits of both parent breeds into one unique dog.

Gorgeous Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix history and origin

Great Pyrenees: These dogs have a long history as livestock guardians in the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain.

They were bred to protect sheep and livestock from predators like wolves and bears. Known for their white coats and gentle temperament, Great Pyrenees have a centuries-old lineage.

Pitbulls: Pitbulls have a more diverse history, initially bred in the United Kingdom for bull-baiting and later as farm dogs in the United States. They are recognized for their strength, loyalty, and agility.

The motivation behind breeding these two breeds together may vary. Some breeders seek to create a loyal and protective family dog. In contrast, others may aim to blend the Pyrenees’ guarding instincts with the Pitbull’s intelligence and agility.

It’s essential to note that the Great Pyrenees Pit is considered a designer or hybrid breed, and its history is relatively recent compared to purebred dogs. This crossbreed is still gaining recognition and popularity among dog enthusiasts, and its history continues to evolve as more breeders work to refine its traits.

Physical Characteristics Of Pyrenees Pit Mix:

The Pitbull Great Pyrenees Mix is a captivating blend of two distinct parent breeds. Their firm, muscular frame, often with a Pitbull’s athletic build, commands attention. They are well-suited for various climates with a medium to long double coat that provides insulation. 


The Great Pyrenees Pit typically has a well-proportioned, muscular body with a sturdy build. Their frame combines the strength of a Pitbull with the size of a Great Pyrenees.

Coat Type:

This mix often inherits a dense and medium to long double coat. The coat can be either straight or wavy. It’s designed to keep them warm in cold weather and cool in the heat.

Coat colors:

Great Pyrenees Mixed with Pitbull can have a variety of coat colors, including

  • Sable
  • Brindle
  • Silver
  • White
  • Black
  • Fawn
  • Red
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Tan

These coat colors, either individually or in combination, contribute to the unique and diverse appearances of Great Pyrenees Mix with Pitbull.

Ear Shape:

Their ears can vary, but they often have medium-sized, triangular-shaped ears that may stand erect or flop over. The exact ear shape can depend on the genetics they inherit from their parents.


The eyes of a Great Pyrenees Pit are typically almond-shaped and can come in various shades of brown. They look alert and smart.


Their nose is usually black, but it can also be brown or pink depending on their genetics.


These dogs often have a broad, well-defined head with a strong jawline inherited from the Pitbull parent. Their facial structure may resemble that of a Pitbull but with a larger size.

Tail Type:

The tail of this mix is usually medium in length and carried with a gentle curve. It’s not overly bushy but well-furred, matching the coat.

Distinguishing Features:

While markings vary widely, the Pyrenees Pit breed commonly has a white coat with patches or markings in other colors like brown, black, or gray. They may also have distinguishing facial markings, such as masks or patches around the eyes.

Pitbull Pyrenees cross size and weight

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Size:

The size and weight of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix can vary, but general guidelines give you an idea of what to expect. 

The Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix is a medium to large-sized breed, typically measuring between 21 to 25 inches in height at the shoulder.

Their size reflects a balanced blend of their parent breeds, combining the stature of the Great Pyrenees and the athleticism of the Pitbull.


The weight of a Pitbull Great Pyrenees Mix can vary, influenced by individual genetics and upbringing. On average, these dogs typically weigh between 50 to 100 pounds, but some may exceed these ranges.

Their weight reflects the combination of the Great Pyrenees’ sturdiness and the Pitbull’s muscular build. 


It’s important to note that the height of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull terrier Mix can vary at different stages of its development:

6 Months:

These dogs are considered adolescents at around 6 months of age. Their height at this stage typically falls within 50% to 70% of their adult height. They would be approximately 10 to 17 inches tall.

12 Months:

By their first year, they continue to grow, and their height may reach around 70% to 90% of their adult height. So, at 12 months, they stand anywhere from 15 to 22 inches tall.

18 Months:

Around 18 months, most Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes are close to reaching their adult height. They likely measure around 90% to 95% of their final height, within the typical range of 19 to 24 inches.

Similar Sized Breeds:

When it comes to dog breeds of similar size, there’s a variety to choose from. These breeds share a similar size range with the Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. German Shepherd
  3. Golden Retriever
  4. Rottweiler
  5. Doberman Pinscher
  6. Siberian Husky
  7. Boxer
  8. Border Collie
  9. Alaskan Malamute
  10. Bernese Mountain Dog

Strength and Muscularity:

The Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix inherits a combination of strength and muscularity from its parent breeds.

Pitbulls are renowned for their powerful and well-defined muscles, which contributing to their agility and stamina. On the other hand, Great Pyrenees dogs possess a sturdy build that allows them to excel as livestock guardians.

When these two breeds are mixed, the result is often a dog with a solid and muscular physique.

Their solid frame makes them well-suited for various activities, including play, exercise, and even working roles. This muscularity also gives them the power to protect their families and territories.

Life Expectancy:

lifespan of Gorgeous Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix in a field

The life expectancy of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix typically ranges from 10 to 13 years.

Proper care, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary check-ups, can significantly impact their longevity.

Genetics, overall health, and quality of care may also influence their life span.

It’s essential to provide them with a loving and nurturing environment to ensure they live a happy and healthy life throughout their years.

My experience in working with various dog breeds has shown me the importance of responsible pet ownership and proper care to enhance the life expectancy of these wonderful mixed-breed dogs.

Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix Temperament:

The temperament of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix is shaped by the combined characteristics of its parent breeds, the Great Pyrenees and the Pitbull. Here’s a detailed overview:

Faithful and Watchful:

These dogs stay true to their families and always keep an eye out for them. They often display strong protective instincts, making them excellent guard dogs. They’re inclined to watch over their loved ones diligently.

Alert and Vigilant:

These dogs are naturally alert due to their protective nature. They quickly notice potential threats and can be excellent at alerting their owners to unusual situations.

Intelligent and Trainable:

Both parent breeds are known for their intelligence, and this mix inherits those traits. They are trainable and can learn commands and tasks relatively quickly. However, they may have an independent streak at times.

Energy Levels:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes can have varying energy levels. Regular exercise is essential to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Without enough activity, they may become bored and potentially exhibit undesirable behaviors.

Potential for Dominance:

Establishing yourself as the pack leader through consistent training and boundaries is essential. It can help prevent dominant behavior issues.

Friendly or Reserved with Strangers:

Their attitude towards strangers can vary. Some individuals are friendly and welcoming, while others may be more reserved and cautious.

SizeLargerSlightly Smaller
AggressionPotentially higherGenerally lower
Social BehaviorLess SociableSociable
IndependenceMore IndependentLess Independent
TrainabilityFirm TrainingPositive Reinforcement

Is The Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix Friendly?

The friendliness of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix can vary from one dog to another. These dogs are known for their loyalty and affection toward their families and often form strong bonds with their owners.

However, their attitude towards strangers may differ. Some Great Pyrenees Pitbull terrier mixes are naturally friendly and welcoming to new people. In contrast, Some of them might be more shy or careful.

Socialization from a young age is crucial in helping them become comfortable and well-adjusted around new faces and situations. 

Is the Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix Child Friendly?

Yes, a Pitbull Great Pyrenees Mix can be child-friendly with proper socialization, training, and supervision.

Generally, these dogs can be gentle and protective with their families, including children. They may form strong bonds with kids and be affectionate companions.

Some Pitbull Great Pyrenees Mixes may naturally have a gentler disposition, making them well-suited for families with children. Others may be more reserved or cautious.

Pyrenees Pitbull Mix With Other Pets:

A Pyrenees Pit breed can get along with other pets when properly socialized, trained, and given the right environment and supervision.

While their temperament may vary, with the right approach, they can coexist harmoniously with other animals in the household.

Pyrenees Pit Breed as a Guard Dog:

The Great Pyrenees Pit Bull Mix has the potential to excel as a guard dog due to a combination of its parent breeds’ inherent traits. They can be guard dogs due to these reasons:

  • Their deep loyalty motivates them to safeguard their loved ones and property.
  • They are naturally alert, quickly noticing potential threats.
  • With a strong sense of bravery, they won’t easily back down when they sense danger.
  • Their imposing size and strength can deter potential intruders.
  • They bark loudly when they sense something unusual, serving as an effective deterrent.

Do Great Pyrenees pitbull mix Bark a Lot?

Pitbull and Great Pyrenees blend with fluffy ears

Yes, Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes can bark quite a bit.

Their natural alertness and protective instincts make them prone to barking when they sense something unusual or perceive a potential threat. 

While this can be beneficial for alerting their owners to potential dangers, owners must provide training and socialization to ensure their barking is controlled and doesn’t become excessive or disruptive. 

Proper training can help balance their protective instincts and a more manageable level of barking, making them great companions for families and effective guard dogs when needed.

Age RangeBarking Level
PuppyOccasional, playful
AdolescentIncreased, curiosity and energy
AdultModerate, alertness
SeniorDecreased, more relaxed

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix Drooling Levels:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes are not typically known for excessive drooling. However, drooling can vary from one individual to another and may be influenced by genetics, health, and environmental factors.

Genetics: The tendency to drool can be inherited and varies among dogs. While both parent breeds, Great Pyrenees and Pitbulls, are not known as heavy droolers, there can be exceptions.

Health: Health conditions, dental issues, or mouth discomfort can sometimes lead to increased drooling. Regular veterinary check-ups can help address any health-related concerns.

Environmental Factors: Dogs may drool more in certain situations, such as when excited or anxious. It’s a natural response for some dogs, including this mix, but it’s not typically excessive.

Cold Weather Tolerance:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes can generally tolerate cold weather quite well, and their parent breeds’ characteristics influence this tolerance:

Heritage: Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes can handle cold weather well due to their family history in chilly mountain regions.

Insulation: They have a double coat that offers warmth, thanks to the Great Pyrenees side of their genetics.

Variation: Some may tolerate cold better than others, as individuals can differ.

Precautions: Despite their tolerance, protecting them in extreme cold with shelter and warmth is essential.

Bite force:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes have a bite force influenced by the physical characteristics of both parent breeds, the Great Pyrenees and the Pitbull.

While they are not known for having one of the strongest bite forces among dog breeds, they still have a respectable bite force that can vary from one individual to another.

The Great Pyrenees contribute to a solid bite force with its strong jaw and large teeth. Pitbulls, on the other hand, have a reputation for having a solid bite. 

Pyrenees Pitbull Mix Exercise:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes are moderately active dogs that benefit from regular physical exercise to keep them healthy and happy. Here’s what you need to know about their physical exercise needs:

Daily Walks:

These dogs should have daily walks to maintain physical fitness. A walk of around 30 minutes to an hour is typically sufficient.


Engaging in a game of fetch, where they chase a ball or toy, is an excellent way to provide physical exercise and mental stimulation while bonding with your dog.


Engaging in playtime activities such as fetch, tug-of-war, or chasing a ball in a safely enclosed area can help them burn off energy.


Short bursts of running or sprinting can be enjoyable for them, but they are not marathon runners.


They often enjoy hiking due to their mountain dog heritage. Hiking is like a workout for body and brain.

Interactive Toys:

Interactive toys can help keep them physically engaged while stimulating their minds.

Pyrenees Pit Mental Activities:

Mental stimulation is equally crucial for the Pyrenees Pit breed. Here’s how to meet their mental stimulation needs:

Pitbull great Pyrenees mix mental activities

Puzzle Toys:

Interactive puzzle toys challenge their minds and keep them engaged. These toys often dispense treats as a reward for problem-solving.

Training Sessions:

Regular training sessions provide mental exercise and reinforce obedience and manners.

Hide and Seek:

Playing games like hide and seek with toys or treats can be mentally stimulating.

Sensory Exploration:

Allowing them to explore different scents during walks or providing a variety of textures and toys at home can keep their senses active.

Rotate Toys:

Rotating their toys periodically prevents boredom and keeps their interest piqued.

Social Interaction:

Interacting with other dogs and people during playdates or at the dog park provides mental stimulation through socialization.

Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix Food:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes, like all dogs, have varying food consumption needs based on age, size, activity level, and individual metabolism. Here are some important things to think about:


The size of your Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix will affect their portion size. Larger dogs generally need more food than smaller ones.

Activity Level:

More active dogs will burn more calories and may require larger portions. Conversely, less active dogs need fewer calories to avoid weight gain.

Individual Variation:

Each dog is unique, and their metabolism can vary. Some may have higher or lower food requirements than others of the same breed mix.

Consult Your Vet:

It’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian to determine the right portion size and type of food for your specific Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your dog’s health and needs.

Avoid Overfeeding:

Giving too much food can make your dog gain too much weight. Follow the feeding guidelines on the dog food packaging and monitor your dog’s weight regularly.

Table Scraps:

Feeding table scraps to your Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix is generally discouraged. While an occasional small treat or tidbit from your plate may not be harmful, regularly feeding them table scraps can have negative consequences.

Food consumption:

Food (Cups/Day)Cost/Day ($)
3-4 cups$2.50-$3.50
2.5-3 cups$2.00-$2.80
2-2.5 cups$1.75-$2.20
4-5 cups$3.25-$4.50

Is Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix easy to train?

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes can be trained, but their trainability varies among individuals due to the influence of their parent breeds, the Great Pyrenees and the Pitbull.

Great Pyrenees are known for their independent nature and may be less eager to please, making training challenging. Pitbulls, on the other hand, are generally more obedient and trainable.

“In the world of animals, the early bird gets the worm.”

dog trainer Cesar Millan

When training a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix, the key lies in early socialization and consistent, positive reinforcement.

Housing and Suitable Environments:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes thrive in environments that cater to their unique needs and characteristics. Here’s what you should consider when it comes to their living arrangements:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull cross with a wagging tail



These dogs are medium to large-sized, so they do well in homes with ample space, preferably in a yard where they can move freely.


A secure, high fence is essential to prevent them from wandering, as they tend to roam. Fences should be at least 6 feet tall.


They can adapt to various climates but are more comfortable in moderate to cooler temperatures. Provide shelter in extreme weather conditions.

Suitable Environments:

Great Pyrenees Pit thrives in environments that offer space, safety, and comfort. They are well-suited to:

Homes with Yards:

These dogs appreciate homes with yards to roam and explore.

Suburban Settings:

Suburban neighborhoods with green spaces and homes suit their needs.

Rural Areas:

They can adapt well to rural or countryside environments with open spaces.

Family Environments:

They thrive in family-oriented environments where they can be close to their human family members.

Quiet Neighborhoods:

Quiet neighborhoods without constant disturbances help them feel at ease.

Access to Shelter:

Access to shelter in extreme weather conditions is vital for their well-being.

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix health conditions:

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes, like all breeds, can be susceptible to specific health conditions, although their risk can vary. Common health concerns for this breed mix may include:

Hip Dysplasia: This is a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, potentially leading to arthritis and mobility issues.

Elbow Dysplasia: Similar to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia affects the elbow joint, causing lameness and pain.

Bloat (Gastric Torsion): Deep-chested dogs like the Pyrenees mixed with Pitbull can be prone to bloat, a life-threatening condition where the stomach twists, trapping gas and fluids.

Heart Disease: Valvular heart disease can affect some individuals, leading to heart-related issues.

Skin Allergies: Allergies, including food and environmental allergies, can cause skin irritations and itching.

Obesity: Overeating and lack of exercise can make them prone to obesity, leading to other health problems.

Cancer: Like many breeds, they can be at risk for certain types of cancer, including mast cell tumors and lymphoma.

Eye Conditions: Some may develop eye issues such as cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy.

Thyroid Problems: Thyroid imbalances can affect their metabolism and overall health.

Do Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix shed a lot?

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes can indeed shed quite a bit. Their shedding can be moderate to heavy, depending on genetics, individual variation, and the season.

Both parent breeds, the Great Pyrenees and the Pitbull have thick double coats contributing to this shedding.

Typically, they shed more during seasonal changes, known as “blowing their coat.”

It usually occurs in the spring when they lose their winter coat and in the fall when they shed their summer coat. During these times, expect an increase in shedding.

Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix grooming and cleaning:

Grooming and cleaning a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix requires attention to their unique coat and hygiene needs. Here’s how to effectively maintain their cleanliness and appearance:

Energetic Pitbull and Great Pyrenees grooming and cleaning

Brushing: Regular brushing is essential to manage moderate to heavy shedding. Brush the dog’s coat at least once a week, often during shedding seasons, to remove loose fur and prevent matting.

Bathing: Bathing should be done as needed, typically every two to three months, or when they get visibly dirty or smelly. Use shampoo made just for dogs to keep their skin’s natural oils healthy.

Ears: Check and clean their ears regularly to prevent wax buildup and potential infections. Use a damp cloth or a dog-specific ear cleaner.

Teeth: Brush their teeth several times weekly to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent dental issues.

Nails: Trim your dog’s nails so they’re not too long and feel comfortable. Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and affect their gait.

Eye Care: Examine their eyes for any discharge or redness. Clean any eye discharge with a damp, clean cloth.

Hygiene: Pay attention to their genital area and clean it if necessary, especially after outdoor activities.

Skin and Coat Health: Ensure they have a well-balanced diet and stay hydrated to support healthy skin and coat.

Grooming NeedsRecommended Frequency
Brushing2-3 times a week
BathingEvery 2-3 months
Nail TrimmingEvery 4-6 weeks
Ear CleaningMonthly or as needed
Dental Care (brushing)2-3 times a week
Coat Trimming/ClippingOccasional as needed

Is the Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix hypoallergenic?

No, neither the Great Pyrenees nor the Pitbull, nor their mix, the Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix, are considered hypoallergenic breeds.

Hypoallergenic breeds produce fewer allergenic proteins and are less likely to trigger allergies in sensitive individuals.

Both the Great Pyrenees and Pitbull breeds have double coats that can trap allergens like dander and saliva, making them less suitable for people with allergies.

While individual reactions may vary, it’s generally advisable for individuals with allergies to consider hypoallergenic breeds or take allergy management precautions when considering a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix as a pet.

Pyrenees Pit Breed Facts:

  • Pyrenees Pits are sometimes called “Pyrebulls” or “Pitrenes.”
  • They can also have different eye colors, including brown, blue, and amber.
  • Pyrenees Pits can be very good at tracking and hunting.
  • The Great Pyrenees breed has a rich history as livestock guardians in the Pyrenees Mountains. 

Is the Great Pyrenees bull the right breed for you?

Whether or not the Pyrenees mixed with Pitbull is the right breed for you depends on your lifestyle and needs. Here are some things to consider.

Pitbull and Great Pyrenees blend exploring nature

If you prefer smaller or more manageable-sized dogs, the Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix may not be the right choice. They are large dogs, and their size can significantly influence your decision.

If you’re looking for a loyal and protective canine companion, this mix can be a suitable choice. They are famous for being very loyal and protective.

This breed can be a good fit if you commit to regular grooming, including brushing and occasional baths. Their coat requires maintenance.

They can thrive in your home by providing moderate exercise and mental stimulation, including walks and playtime.

They can feel more comfortable and content if you have enough space or access to a yard in your home.

If you prefer a dog that is calm indoors and is not overly energetic, this breed may align with your preferences.

You can effectively train and manage this breed if you’re patient and use positive reinforcement-based training methods.

This breed can be rewarding if you’re prepared for a long-term commitment, as they can live for 10 to 15 years.

Mixed breeds with Pyrenees Pitbull Mix:

You get many different kinds of dogs when you mix the Great Pyrenees Pitbull with other dog breeds. Each is special and has some things from both parents, making them great choices for people who love dogs.

Here are the mixed breeds that involve the Pyrenees mixed with Pitbull:

  1. Great Pyrenees Lab Pitbull Mix
  2. Great Pyrenees Pitbull Boxer Mix
  3. Great Pyrenees German Shepherd Pitbull Mix
  4. Great Pyrenees Husky Pitbull Mix
  5. Great Pyrenees American Bulldog Pitbull Mix
  6. Great Pyrenees Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix
  7. Great Pyrenees Rottweiler Pitbull Mix

Full-grown great Pyrenees Pitbull mix:

A full-grown Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix is a large and powerful dog breed. They typically stand between 21 to 25 inches tall at the shoulder. In terms of weight, they can range from 60 to 100 pounds or more, depending on factors like genetics and diet.

Full-grown Great-Pyrenees-Pitbull-mix with an alert gaze

These dogs have a solid and muscular build, often resembling a combination of both parent breeds.

Their coat is usually thick and dense and can come in various colors, including white, black, brown, brindle, and more. The coat may have markings or patterns that vary from one individual to another.

In terms of temperament, full-grown Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mixes are known for their loyalty and protective instincts.

They can be gentle and affectionate with their families but also vigilant and alert when guarding their homes.

Proper socialization and training are essential to ensure they are well-behaved and well-adjusted in various situations.

Their lifespan typically ranges from 10 to 15 years, making them a long-term commitment for potential owners. Providing them with proper care, including regular exercise, grooming, and medical attention, is crucial to their well-being and longevity.

Here are some safety tips for handling a full-grown Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix:

  • Always supervise children when they are around any dog, regardless of breed.
  • Respect the dog’s personal space, and do not startle them.
  • If you are unfamiliar with the dog, ask the owner for permission before petting them.
  • Do not try to take food or toys away from the dog.
  • If the dog shows signs of aggression, such as growling or snarling, back away and do not engage them.

Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix Puppy Cost:

The price of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix puppy can vary a lot. On average, it can cost anywhere from $500 to $1500. But how much you pay can depend on different things.

Here are the things that can change the price:

  • If the person selling the puppy is well-known and trusted, the price might be higher because they take excellent care of them.
  • Some puppies come from a long line of unique dogs, and those puppies might cost more.
  • In some places, puppies are more expensive because living there generally costs more.
  • If the puppy has been to the doctor and had all its shots, it might cost more.
  • If many people want this puppy, the price can increase.
  • Some sellers might include extra things like a tiny computer chip to find the puppy if it gets lost, or they might give you some things you need for the puppy. That can make the price higher.
  • Older puppies are sometimes cheaper than tiny ones.

Finding a good seller caring for the puppies is vital when considering a puppy. Be careful with deals that seem too good because they might not be safe for the puppy.

Adoption And Breeding Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix:

“Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog, the world will change forever.”

Karen Davison 


Adopting a Great Pyrenees mix with a Pitbull is a compassionate choice. You can find these wonderful dogs in animal shelters, rescue organizations, or through breed-specific rescue groups.

When you adopt, you offer a loving home to a needy dog. Adoption costs are typically lower than buying from a breeder, often including vaccinations and spaying/neutering.


Breeding Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix dogs requires careful consideration. Responsible breeding involves pairing healthy dogs with good temperaments to produce puppies with desirable traits.

It’s essential to prioritize the well-being of the dogs and ensure they are well cared for throughout the process. Breeding should be done with a focus on improving the breed and not just for profit.

Before breeding, it’s crucial to understand the responsibilities and ethical considerations involved. Working with a mentor or an experienced breeder is recommended to learn about genetics, health, and proper breeding practices.

Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix breeders:

In my search for a trusted breeder, I’ve discovered a few key insights that can be incredibly helpful for anyone looking to bring one of these fantastic dogs into their home.

  • Personal visits to the breeder’s location are invaluable. Not only does this allow you to assess the dogs’ living conditions, but it also lets you observe the breeder’s dedication and passion for their dogs.
  • I found that responsible breeders are more than willing to showcase their facilities and introduce you to their four-legged family members.
  • When you visit, take the time to meet the parent dogs. Their temperament and behavior can tell you a lot about the breeding lines and the kind of puppies they produce.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for proof of these health tests; a trustworthy breeder will gladly provide this information.
  • If something doesn’t feel right during your interactions with the breeder, trust your instincts and look elsewhere.

These steps have been instrumental in finding a breeder who genuinely cares about their dogs and produces healthy puppies.

How to find a Pyrenees Pitbull Puppy?

To find a Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix puppy, you can try adopting it from a local animal shelter or rescue organization. These mixed breeds may be available for adoption, offering a loving home to a needy dog.

You can watch online adoption platforms or social media groups focused on pet adoption. Sometimes, mixed-breed puppies are looking for their forever homes there.

Pros of Pit Pyrenees Mix:

  • They are known for their loyalty and can become devoted family pets.
  • These dogs can be excellent guard dogs, offering protection to their families.
  • They often show affection and can be loving towards their owners.
  • With proper socialization, they can be gentle and good with children.

Cons of Pit Pyrenees Mix:

  • They may be stubborn and not always easy to train, so patience and consistency are required.
  • They can be vocal and bark often, which might not suit quiet living environments.
  • Due to their size, they need ample space and may need to be more suitable for small apartments.


What is the personality of a Great Pyrenees pit mix?

The personality of a Great Pyrenees Pitbull mix can vary, but they often exhibit a loyal, protective, and loving nature. They are good with their families but may be wary of strangers.

Is the Pitbull Great Pyrenees Mix Aggressive?

Aggressiveness in a Great Pyrenees Mixed with Pitbull depends on factors like socialization and training. Properly raised and trained, they are not inherently aggressive but can be protective.

How big will a Great Pyrenees mix get?

The size of a Great Pyrenees mix can vary, but they typically range from 20 to 32 inches (51 to 81 cm) in height and weigh between 50 to 100 pounds (23 to 45 kg).

Do the Great Pyrenees mixes bark a lot?

Great Pyrenees mixes, including the Pitbull mix, can be known for barking to alert their owners to potential threats. Their barking can be frequent and loud.

How long do Great Pyrenees mix dogs live?

The lifespan of Great Pyrenees mix dogs is typically around 10 to 13 years with proper care, diet, and exercise.

Does Great Pyrenees pitbull mix need a lot of exercise?

Pyrenees Pitbull mixes need a fair amount of exercise due to their size and energy levels. Taking your dog for walks and playing with them daily is important to help them stay active and happy both in their body and mind.

Final Note:

In this article, we talked about the Great Pyrenees Pitbull Mix dogs. They can be great pets, but they have unique things you need to know. If you want one, you can adopt from a rescue or buy from a good breeder who cares for their dogs.

Think about your life and what kind of dog fits best. These dogs need love and a good home, so be sure you’re ready for a new furry friend.

If you’re thinking about getting one of these dogs, take your time and choose carefully. Your future pet will be happy with your love and care.

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